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Ready to be a part of the next generation of online content creators? Here you can learn an alternative to traditional central content platforms. These central platforms all utilize a similar model that requires the content creator to compete for a consistently diminishing amount of revenue. As a creator, you must continue to attract new subscribers and create new content to compete. The platform uses an algorithm designed to attract and retain users that consume more and more. The demand for more content to stay relevant and maintain views causes burnout and decreased revenue. You do not have the ability to set your price for content on these platforms, the revenue you generate is determined by the platform based on their metrics.

Our model allows you to set prices for your content and make it available for everyone to purchase over the internet. Keep your current legacy content providers going (YouTube, TikTok, OnlyFans, etc) and expand your customer base to everyone that is not using a credit card. You can then keep your earnings in bitcoin as a store of value.

The prices can be setup so that a customer can come back for a specified amount of time before having to pay again.

  • For example, you are a chef and create a photo blog and accept a small payment of 25 cents that will allow access to the recipe and instructional photo or video for as short as “one time view” or any time frame needed. If you allowed the customer to use it for 1 day, they would be able to come back without payment until the time is up. Similar to
  • Another example, you are a musician and want to allow access to audio/video files for customers willing to pay a fee.
  • General e-commerce websites for products that can keep track of inventory, customers, and assist with shipping to customers. Alex’s art blog has an e-commerce component allowing him to sell art and collect customer shipping information.

These are not get rich quick schemes; you are building a platform to monetize all sorts of small value content that can be digitally delivered to your customer on demand. Spend your time creating content people will pay for instead of competing for attention. Then you can leverage the platform and monetize all the talents in your family, each with their own website! With this type of control you can set prices based on your income needs.

The model we are trying to build is one that focuses around individuals interested in operating and managing the software required to accept bitcoin for your content and the content of your own personal extended network. Once setup, you can expand and become the bank for your family by providing them a connection for their lightning wallets. There is no programming however, you must be comfortable using computers and have basic computer knowledge, eager to try something new and build something that is useful for everyone.

Your minimum requirements

  • Willing to learn the basics of bitcoin
  • Willing to install and manage bitcoin software
    • BTCPay Server
    • Ride the lightning
  • Willing to learn and manage virtual machines from servers
  • Willing to learn to use and maintain a WordPress website
  • Willing to create content for sale in bitcoin only

Instructions and content to help you with your network is available here on this website.

What are the costs to maintain the network?

Your costs will be a combination of annual and monthly costs. Your content website(s), such as this one ( costs $12 per year for the domain name. Monthly you will pay fees for hosting your website using LunaNode. To start, it will cost $3.50 per month, as traffic increases, you will pay higher costs as you grow your audience. Lastly, you will pay a monthly fee ($8) to LunaNode to host your BTCPay server software. This software allows you to accept bitcoin on each of your content websites. See my examples under Creator websites.

Ready to get started?

The full set of steps, with links to videos for individual steps and more details can be found in the post, Instructions to build your network.

Overwhelmed? Need more help?

Reach out to us at, on Twitter, or schedule a help session and we will help you through the process.