
Welcome to ana-fa-skrow-ten! We help you use bitcoin with existing free open-source software and produce content to educate and highlight different aspects of bitcoin.

A deep understanding is not required to use bitcoin however a basic understanding is required so you don’t lose it. Start your bitcoin learning here, then tackle the bitcoin checklist at your own pace.

Do you have a hobby that some might benefit from learning? Do you currently use platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, Only Fans? Learn how you can charge customers to read individual articles, watch a video or listen to an audio track. All without those pesky adds and popups to annoy your customers.

With bitcoin lightning, you can charge your visitors small amounts, below one penny for single view content. If you already have an income stream from e-commerce, you can implement payments in bitcoin as a means to save. Learn how bitcoin is a store of value. We showcase proof-of-concept creator websites accepting bitcoin. We also help you setup and operate the software for bitcoin payments.

With some guidance anyone can create a website to accept bitcoin. Use your skills to earn income in a currency that does not require a trusted third-party to accept online. Bitcoin is the only money that allows you to do that.

Setup a lightning wallet and visit one of our creator websites to see the possibilities.

Take advantage of free and open-source software available today by learning with us to create your website. From there, you can market and sell all your talents. Want to learn how? Start here.

In the meantime, learn about bitcoin with us and join our community of users. All content is original.

From the anafaskrowten family to yours, welcome to bitcoin!